
quotes i like

Desire makes me weak. - Cher

It is a fault to wish to be understood before we have made ourselves clear to ourselves. - Simone Weil

Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Don’t, for heaven’s sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

The older I grow the more I realize how terribly difficult it is for people to understand each other, and I think that what misleads one is the fact that they all look so much like each other. If some people looked like elephants and others like cats, or fish, one wouldn’t expect them to understand each other and things would look much more like what they really are. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Where others move on, there I remain standing. - Ludwig Wittgenstein (MS 136 80a: 8.1.1948)

I want to regard man here as an animal; as a primitive being to which one grants instinct but not ratiocination. As a creature in a primitive state. Any logic good enough for a primitive means of communication needs no apology from us. Language did not emerge from some kind of ratiocination. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Do it. Never procrastinate. - N. H. Bu (my mom)

What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. - Edgar W. Dijkstra

It does not suffice to hone your own intellect (that will join you in your grave), you must teach others how to hone theirs. The more you concentrate on these two challenges, the clearer you will see that they are only two sides of the same coin: teaching yourself is discovering what is teachable. - Edgar W. Dijkstra

Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better. - Edgar W. Dijkstra

Work on philosophy – like work in architecture in many respects – is really more work on oneself. On one’s own conception. On how one sees things. (And what one expects of them.) - Ludwig Wittgenstein (MS 112 46: 14.10.1931)

It has often been said that a person does not really understand something until he teaches it to someone else. Actually, a person does not really understand something until he can teach it to a computer. - Donald E. Knuth

The precision essential to a computer’s way of manipulating symbols constitutes both a great advantage and a severe limitation. Since what the symbols in a computer represent must be absolutely precise, and the programmer must be absolutely clear in defining each symbol, the attempt to write a computer program inevitably exposes hand-waving, fuzzy thinking and implicit appeals to what everyone takes for granted. Submitting to this rigor is an immensely valuable discipline. - Herbert and Stuart Dreyfus

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Different persons growing up in the same language are like different bushes trimmed and trained to take the shape of identical elephants. The anatomical details of twigs and branches will fulfill the elephantine form differently from bush to bush, but the overall outward results are alike. - Quine, Word and Object (1960)
